MISSION: To make discovering and referencing fact-based information on dyslexia easier

Because the journey to support can be long, Dyslexia Now What offers links, lists, and more — organized simply. As we are based in Massachusetts, some resources are specific to the Massachusetts state

No sign up or login required, but if you add your email to our list it will help us build a community of users to share updates with and solicit feedback from.

Please note: we are not here to provide advice, tips, or referrals — legal, clinical, or otherwise. However, we DO want to strip away the complexity in how families discover, review, and reference the countless resources out there.

We hope you join us.


The ORGANIZE section shares some approaches that can help keep records (digital and paper) together. Just one of many simple and actionable sections.

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

— Unknown