Our Why
The cost of reading failure is so high, it’s immeasurable
The failure to read is traumatic
Students are bullied, teased, and would rather go to the Principal than read aloud.
The school dropout rate is at least twice the national average.
Higher rates of addiction, self harm, and 3x higher risk of attempting suicide.
High prevalence in prison populations.
Higher unemployment and lower lifetime earnings.
OUR MISSION: To help prevent caregiver learning curves and paperwork from being barriers to the supports districts are bound by law to provide.
Because the journey to support can be long, Dyslexia Now What offers links, lists, and more — organized simply. As we are based in Massachusetts, some resources are specific to the Massachusetts state
Please note: we are not here to provide advice, tips, or referrals — legal, clinical, or otherwise. However, we DO want to strip away the complexity of how families discover and reference the countless resources out there.
Sold a Story
Sold a Story
SOLD A STORY: How Teaching Teaching Kids Went So Wrong by Emily Hanford Visit site
Emily Hanford’s series gives an insightful overview of America’s literacy crisis as well as background context related to the business entities at the root of “the reading wars.” You hear firsthand from many people directly involved and those directly affected, including struggling readers — current and former. A powerful, powerful piece of work.
Today’s systems and processes make successful caregiver advocacy enormously challenging.
It’s often (too often) up to caregivers to enforce our current laws:
2018 Kindergarten Screening Law
Massachusetts Dyslexia Guidelines
General Guidance on Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility Determination
“The question’s not if we will weather this unknown, but how we will weather the unknown together.”
— Amanda Gorman